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Mon April 29, 2024
California's most underrated park is a great place to visit without the big crowds like Yellowstone. Well, it was until you published this article
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Heineken. Not just shiatty beer, but a really shiatty company
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Sun April 28, 2024
New car. Key ding, total loss. $53,303
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(NBC 2 Fort Myers)
ASI-Progressive Insurance drops 1000s of home policies just 34 days before 2024 supercharged Atlantic hurricane season starts. Buy plywood now while prices are still low
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(Potato News Today)
Your mom has gotten bored with typical Mothers Day cards. Surprise her this year with a message on a potato
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You don't go into Central Park at night. Or in the day. Definitely not the morning. Dusk's a bit dangerous, too. Just avoid it completely if the sun is down. Or up
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(The Weather Channel)
Tornado rips open Dollar Tree warehouse. Company estimates hundreds of cents in losses
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(Some great ass in red spandex)
Photoshop these regenerating degenerates
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(CBS News)
Knock knock knock, Penny
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(KTLA Los Angeles)
Your Social Security number has probably been stolen. There's nothing you can do. There is no help from the government, and the "good news" is that you're probably poor and not a target. Except when you are and get ruined. Learned helplessness is fun
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Kenner active shooter apparently armed with something more dangerous than Bubble-Matic
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Y2K all over again
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(AP News)
911, What's the nature of your emergency? THE BUGS THEY SCREAM SO LOUD
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(Fox News)
Your permanent school records really will outlive you
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(USA Today)
Photoshop this azalea festival
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A tour through the largest private gothic palace in Venice. Needs more black velvet and fishnets
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Beware of the Toilet Rat
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They say a person's home is their castle (moat not included)
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(Daily Express)
Study finds top tourist locations are most likely places for tourists to fall victim to pickpockets. They needed a study to find that? (possible nsfw content on page)
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The bridge was hungry today, my friends. Like an old man trying to return a Ryder truck in Durham
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(USA Today)
Photoshop this HVAC repairman
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CSB Sunday Morning: The first time you went to the movies
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Alabama man sets new world record in tree-hugging. In related news, apparently there's a world record in tree-hugging
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Day 795 of WW3: The US and Europe are committed to making this your Sunday Ukraine War thread
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(Jack Raines)
Thank goodness subby figured out a way to subsidize my flights to and from the airport
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(Rolling Stone)
Russian troops, formerly of the Wagner Group, are in hot pursuit of Joseph "2012" Kony. Cue Norm MacDonald
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"It's been 84 years since I first hid this uncomfortable piece of metal up my ass"
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In what is being called a "Fishmas miracle," Texas road crews worked "e-fish-ently" to rescue a catfish that ended up in the middle of a street. That's some "reel-y" fine work guys
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(WCAX Vermont)
When officers responded, they found ... the two men, and they were fighting over the pigs which neither of them owned or managed
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(Click On Detroit)
Drunk driver gets wired up
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(Upper Michigan's Source)
A new twist on the latest "boat hitting bridge" trend
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