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Total AV for gaming - Review

Are you an enthusiastic gamer? You most definitely understand the need to stay safe whenever you are playing a game online. The internet is free and a large village that has every type of person. Some are there to enjoy its connectivity and easy access to information, while others target victims to hack and steal their information. Whichever the case, you must ensure that you have a good antivirus to keep you safe whenever you are playing online.

For a good antivirus for gaming, you must consider if it has a gaming mode. In some cases, the game/gaming mode is when the antivirus can run smoothly even as you play your game. In other words, the antivirus should be able to run without lagging your computer as you play.

TotalAV is one of the best antivirus programs that you can use for gaming. With this antivirus, you can play a heavy game as it continues to keep you safe. But that’s not all; here is why you should use TotalAV for gaming.

  • Accurate Virus Detection

How would you feel if you were sure that the antivirus you have on your computer could alert you of any possible threats? It would be a great experience because you will not have to worry about having any possible malware or virus on your computer. If there is any virus that has gotten into your PC, TotalAV will detect it in a matter of seconds.

It will also find any affected file and quarantine or delete it accordingly. Nonetheless, this can take some time to finish based on the complexity of the virus. The best part is that it will scan for any malware whenever you visit a website. So if the game redirects you to their official website, you’re still good to go. If you are overly suspicious of any website, you can use the security tools to scan those websites or check for any suspicious links that are sent in your game’s chat room.

  • Total Protection

It is one thing to detect malicious links and infected files and another to offer protection to your computer. Luckily, TotalAV offers both. You can enjoy the remote firewall that protects you from any possible incoming attack. Plus, you can control the firewall settings of your computer remotely with this antivirus. This way, you can be confident that you will remain safe even when you are away from your computer. In case you try to download any risky file or malware from the chat room or any game website, the firewall will always notify you in advance.

  • Optimizes The Comp To Run Smoothly

Any game lover would tell you how much it sucks to have your computer lagging whenever you are playing a game. In most cases, it could be that you are playing the game on a computer with limited requirements. But if the comp has all the requirements, but it is still lagging, then there might be a virus slowing it down. Nonetheless, the computer can naturally slow down after using it for a long time.

If you look at a detailed TotalAV review, you will see that the antivirus also comes with a disk cleaner. This feature will scan all the folders on your computer. The antivirus will usually try to find duplicates, junk files, as well as the unnecessary data that is filling up your hard drive. All these files will make your computer full for no reason. As a result, it will slow down the entire system including your game.

But TotalAV will try to create more space for new files and also boost the computer speed. So yes, this antivirus can help to boost the speed of your game too.

  • Stay Anonymous Online

No regular internet user will want to be noticed when they are browsing online. This is the same as the gamers that play online. If you are in the chat room, you don’t want other gamers there to know about your location.

Well, you can count yourself lucky because TotalAV will keep you anonymous. It is one of the few antivirus programs that come with a VPN. You can enjoy your online game as you remain anonymous. Plus, this helps to prevent other people from stealing your data as you play online. Some games might need you to purchase chips and supplies with real money. The antivirus will keep you safe as you make these transactions.

With the VPN feature, your IP address will be kept safe, and your browsing data will not be saved.

If there is any game that has geo-restrictions, you can break-free with the VPN on this antivirus.

  • Privacy Tools Onboard

There’s more to enjoy from this antivirus. Besides the scanner and VPN, you also enjoy three incredible tools that will defend you against all the common threats online. For instance, there is the Adblocker extension, Safe Site, and Password Manager.

Adblocker will do the obvious to block the multiple ads that pop up on most game websites. The Safe Site is a tool that will alert you even before you open any new URL, while the password manager helps you keep track of every password. This means that it will not save the password on the browser but the secure antivirus.

  • User-Friendly

If you are new to this antivirus, you won’t have to worry about how you are going to work with it. The interface is quite friendly. Plus, you can learn more about how to protect yourself as you play online. For example, there is the Antivirus Pro and Ultimate Antivirus that come with an Antivirus eBook. This eBook entails detailed tips on how to protect yourself as you game online.

A handy guide is there to help you know how to use the antivirus and get the most of it. The guide is also quite easy to understand.

Even with a good antivirus, you still need to follow the right tips on how to stay safe when playing online games. Don’t just be careless because you have a reliable antivirus at your disposal. Plus, always avoid that are known to contain too many ads. Such games are risky to play on your comp.


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